Attendance and Punctuality
Classes will begin at 10:30 am inshallah, please ensure that your child is in class by 10:15.
The process of learning requires continuity. Attendance is therefore mandatory unless there is a valid excuse. If you cannot bring your child to school regularly, please yield the spot to another student as seats are limited. Students who are unable to comply with the attendance policy will be asked to withdraw.
We schedule tests every now and then to check students’ progress and better address their learning needs.
School reports
All students receive progress reports at the end of each semester. These reports list their achievements throughout the semester. Certificates are issued upon successful completion of a given level.
Recognition & Competitions
We have competitions to motivate, and encourage our students. Outstanding achievement will be recognized throughout the term with certificates and gifts.
Extracurricular activities
We schedule extracurricular activities during the semester to motivate our students and maintain a balance between studying and leisure time.
Modeling positive behaviors
We understand the challenges that parents face in raising their children Islamically in this environment. We will in-shaa'-Allah
work hand-in-hand with parents to model positive behaviours for their children according to the teachings of prophet Muhammad (peace, prayers & blessings onto him).
Each child is required to bring his/her lunch.
School year & Hours
September 7th 2019: Assessment day, from 11am - 1:45pm.Classes will commence from September 14th 2019 to May 30th 2020 / Saturdays, from 10:30am - 2pm.
The MCE Qur’an School reserves the right to remove a student from the school if s/he does not adhere to the MCE Qur'an School Policies.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’aala
to bless your children and all Muslims with the recitation and understanding of the book of Allah, in accordance with the teachings of our greatest teacher - the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam). And our last call is Alhamdu Lillahi Rabb Ilaalameen.