Curriculum and Placement
Our curriculum is geared towards laying a firm foundation for the recitation, and memorization of the book of Allah inshallah. In addition to recitation and memorization, the Islamic knowledge curriculum will help our students learn, and practice the basics of their religion. All students are tested prior to admission to determine which level best fits them. The levels are categorized as follows:
- Level 0 (Tahdhiri): Students who are not able to recognize Arabic letters. Material to be taught is: finish all short surahs from An-Nas to Al-Bayyinah.
- Level 1 (Beginners): Students who are not able to connect Arabic letters. Material to be taught is: read some Arabic words from Qur’aan and finish all short surahs from An-Nas to Al-Fajr.
- Level 2 (Intermediate): Students can recite & read from the Qur’aan past the beginner’s level. Material to be taught: Recitation and memorization of Juz ‘Amma (Section 30) with basic tajweed rules.
- Advanced: Students can read from the Qur’aan with tajweed rules. Greater focus is put on memorization of the Qur’aan at this level. Material to be taught: Recitation and memorization with tajweed rules.
Students MUST grasp the material at a given level in order to advance to the next level.
Islamic Knowledge
Every class will have a brief reminder on the basic tenets of Islam, and important topics appropriate for the age groups.
The school accepts students between the ages of 4.5 years (provided they are socially/emotionally ready for school) and up to 18 years.
School year & Hours
October 8th, 2022: assessment day, from 9:30am - 11:30am.
Classes commenced from October 15th, 2022, and will continue through April 8, 2023, Saturdays, from 10:00am to 12:45pm.
Admission Policy:
Admission to the MCE Qur’aan School is based on completing the registration and payment of the fees, student assessments and space availability.
If you are interested in registering your child, please follow the following steps:
- Read the program details to ensure that this is the right program for your child.
- Complete the online registration form.
Registration for this year is closed.
- Ensure that your fees are paid prior to commencing the semester (the first day of the semester is the deadline to pay).
Please note: Submitting an application does not guarantee a spot at the school. If all spots are filled, interested applicant(s) will be placed on a waiting list, and contacted when a spot(s) becomes available in-shaa'-Allah.
Returning students are guaranteed a spot if they have met their targets (academic and attendance) in the preceding semester. If they give up their spot, then it will be made available to new students.
We believe that small classes ensure that every student gets their learning needs addressed effectively.
Tuition Fees:
Tuition fees are due by the first day of each semester. We accept cash and cheques. We will accept post-dated cheques for parents wanting to pay in instalments. The fees are $350/child per school year.
Parents’ Involvement:
The success of our program highly depends on the parents’ contribution. Learning and memorizing the Qur’aan requires practice on a daily basis. Practicing at home significantly improves a child's progress.
We provide every child a book (beginner’s level) which they can use at home. Teachers write down their weekly homework in their books, and parents are required to sign/comment in the book every week to confirm that the assigned homework was completed.
The school has an open-door policy allowing parents to drop by and observe classroom activity. We always welcome comments and suggestions from parents.
If you have any questions/inquiries, please e-mail us at [email protected] or call (780) 432-0208.
Attendance and Punctuality
In order to benefit from our time together, punctuality is urged. The process of learning requires continuity. Attendance is therefore mandatory unless there is a valid excuse and you have contacted the teacher. If you cannot bring your child to school regularly, please yield the spot to another student as seats are limited. Students who are unable to comply with the attendance policy will be asked to withdraw.
We schedule tests every now and then to check students’ progress and better address their learning needs.
School reports
All students receive progress reports at the end of each semester. These reports list their achievements throughout the semester. Certificates are issued upon successful completion of a given level.
Recognition & Competitions
We have competitions to motivate, and encourage our students. Outstanding achievement will be recognized throughout the term with certificates and gifts.
Extracurricular activities
We schedule extracurricular activities during the semester to motivate our students and maintain a balance between studying and leisure time.
Modelling positive behavior
We understand the challenges that parents face in raising their children Islamically in this environment. We will in-shaa'-Allaah work hand-in-hand with parents to model positive behaviours for their children according to the teachings of prophet Muhammad (peace, prayers & blessings onto him).
Each child is required to bring his/her lunch. Please avoid food with nuts to accommodate the ones vulnerable to them.
The MCE Qur’aan School reserves the right to remove a student from the school if s/he does not adhere to the MCE Qur’aan School Policies.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’aala to bless our children and all Muslims with the recitation and understanding of the book of Allah, in accordance with the teachings of our greatest teacher - the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam). And our last call is Alhamdu Lillahi Rabb Ilaalameen.